Monday, August 12, 2013

Lowering your gaze

If you are Muslim you are asked to lower your gaze. Muslim men and woman are taught in Islam to not look at the opposite sex in a lustful manner.

Sura 24 - Al Noor (Madina) Verse 30
Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.
Translation: Eng-Yusuf Ali

Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, " A (lustful) gaze is a poisoned arrow from Shaytan."

Now days we face even more challenges I think because of the heat in the summers and the dress woman and men are choosing to use is next to nothing. They are practically naked. The woman's body sways attracting the eye of the man to parts he should not be looking at whether intentional or unintentional.  Raised as an American woman I thought little of high heels.

hmmm my hips don't sway just because I add height to my shoes and myself, or do they?

I had to find out for myself. It is true so I found. Here is how you can find out too don't just take my word for it.  Next time you are out, woman only please, away from your homes watch the other woman. Pay close attention to the ones in heals and the ones in shoes that are flat and also take note how you walk yourself, in tennis shoes and then again in high heels. There is a sway when wearing high heels.

So I am short, oh well adding height is not worth Allah's rath. I love him and myself more and you should also. Also, I warn you even when wearing flat shoes make sure your walk is not enticing. It is our job sisters to educate our selves and to teach others. We have to start somewhere. Teaching woman to dress appropriately further helps the men lower their gazes. They are human after all. Think about your future and know one day you could be the older woman whose husband is looking at some woman in a skirt with heels or a tight pair of jeans that you once wore and looked good in. Sure you  may look good now but what about after having children and over time your body changes. Do you want to be compared to some woman in her early twenties because she has displayed herself for all to see. I am not saying all men are like this but lets help them to stay true to themselves and us. Really would it kill us to do this?  Respect yourselves and cover. To not like the attention  you get from guys when you wear these clothes cause that attention only feels good for a while and does not fulfill the needs you are needing. Like love, respect, honesty and loyalty. I ask you this would you want a man staring at your daughter with lust in his eyes. We keep blaming men but are we not part of the major problem. We must cover that which is only for our husbands.  How can men respect a woman who shows all of what is his to all who wishes to look. To a man there is pride in knowing she is only yours and that no one else has seen or touched her.  We have to stand together as woman and stop competing against each other. We are destroying our selves and not getting any respect and degrading ourselves. Look at the tv commercials and other ads they are selling soap or the woman half naked with suds all over her. :( This is only one example there are many and we don't even realize we have allowed ourselves to be used in a most degrading manner.  We must see the error of our ways and teach our children this is not right or acceptable. .

 I want all my sisters to be safe from prying eyes and I want them in Jennah with me. I do not judge for you alone have to answer to Allah I only seek to educate you. To All my sisters with love.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Schools OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy school is out. OK well it has been out for a week but I was recuperating and enjoying some down time with my children, Alhumdilulah. Homeschooling is really hard but so rewarding.  I home school two of my children. It is categorized as homeschooling but I do not consider it such for it is not your traditional homeschooling. My children have teachers and other students they interact with. I am just the helper, which don't get me wrong I play a huge roll in their education as well. Live Lessons and the curriculum are taught online. They do still have subject books and work books they have to do. So not everything is done online.  I feel like I am going back to school with them and homeschooling allows me to brush up on my education. This I was not expecting but a really good plus. Some things I remember and some, it is like I never heard it. 


Makes you wonder how much of this cramming they do is really beneficial.  Especially in a public school setting with so many distractions. Boys, girls, drama, drama and more drama. Then the sexual education they get that you don't want them too at the early ages.  Yes don't think for a moment this is not going on. What the kids talk about and know will leave your mouth hanging open and your heart stop beating for minutes. OK maybe seconds but it feels like for ever.  I question at how they get this information. I will leave this for another topic. So there is much for parents who home school. Don't get me wrong public school has its advantages and disadvantages just like homeschooling. Each family has to decide which is best for them and the children.  Homeschooling is not for everyone. Like I said it is hard. Keeping a balance with things like socialization is one of the main concerns.  When you home school it is very and I mean very important to keep your kids social. Get them in activities outside of school.  It is important for little minds to socialize and to interact with others their age. It is better they learn this at an early age then to have to learn later in life. There are lots of groups out there for them to get into and things for them to do.  Your options are limitless and if you are on a budget don't despair there is something for everyone just look around and always ask.  There are also private and homeschooling that does not require you to actually teach if you are reluctant like I am.  I help but I am not the main teacher.  The online school we use allows my children access to their teachers and friends they are able to email them as long as they are in the school directory.   This is really neat cause they get the home environment plus the interaction.  But again I stress they still need outside interaction.  Soooooo now that I have rambled on about that I just want to say I pray everyone has a safe happy summer. Ameen.  And don't forget to keep checking my blog.

Remember relax, have fun, and be SAFE.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

A special thanks to Allah/God

I am writing this to thank Allah/God, The Most High, The Most Magnificent. For all the he has done for me. He deserves all of our praises and much more time then we give him.

When I was at my lowest and thought I could not go another hour, much less another day he gave me strength.
When I had doubts he showed me proof.
When I was hungry he gave me food.
When I was cold he provided me clothing.

All these things and more he did with out me asking and sometimes with out my thoughts of thanking him.

I have been well off with money and poor.
I have been judgemental and then later seen the error of my ways.

Then when I felt broken and I could take no more Allah showed me Islam.  Alhumdilulah. I lack the words to say all my thoughts. But as always Allah knows and sees all. I just wanted to dedicate a page to Allah, The Creator of all things, to show my appreciation and to hopefully remind others to do the same. He is always there for us even when we do not follow his advise and guidance. We seek his forgiveness and  he is there ready to forgive us if we are truly remorseful and don't continue the sin or mistake. That is unconditional love. And yet in our busy lives we do not praise him enough.

My days and life are not with out trials but now I know I am never alone and all I need to do is to seek his guidance and his help in all things. And to always praise and thank him for he deserves so much more.



We should thank Allah every day for creating us and giving us this most beautiful opportunity. Life and everything it consists of. ALHUMDILULAH.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Manners Today

AsSalaamu Alykum and Hi,

What has happened to us? There is so much hatred and disrespect for one another. Where is the simple, thank you, as you go to take your coffee from the lady behind the counter? Or a smile and greeting as you pass someone? Maybe holding the door open for someone coming thru? Does no one have manners anymore?
I was taught manners. I still say yes sir and no sir.  Not to my husband but now that I think about it I may do it just to see his reaction lol.  No matter what, always try to say, thank you, when someone is helping you or giving you something.  Smiling is contagious. Try it, if you pass come close to passing someone smile at them most of the time they will smile back. How can you not spread joy like this? And go further to say hello: how is your day? Now I try not to be too friendly cause now days you can never be too careful but that does not mean frown all the time and never ask how someone is doing.  When I am having a bad day, smiling and making others smile brightens my day in no time.   Sometimes I get evil stares because of my hijab (covering my hair and body.) If you don't know or understand my way of life let me explain a little.  As a muslimah I am encouraged to cover my body and my hair. I do this as a personal choice.  No one forces me although my husband likes when I keep my charms from others and just for him.  And I love seeing the pride, admiration and the smile on his face when he sees me thus.  Plus it protects me from the sun.  And sometimes I don't even need to fix my hair but most of the time I do just cause I like too.  :)  There are those times though that I get a sweet smile back and a hello how are you.  I wish I could wave a magic wand and make everyone nice and accepting of other cultures and religions. We may not see eye to eye but that does not mean we cannot respect and love one another. After all did we not all come from Adam.  :(  I know there was a time when men held open doors for ladies. And believe it or not many guys still do. But woman are the worst or so I have discovered. I have children and I carry my computer and my purse with me plus hold my kids hands so they do not go far from me so opening a door is sometimes a struggle. And believe me it irritates me when I am approaching a door and a woman strides right thru and the door shuts in my face before I can juggle my things to hold it open. I have even managed to rush us thru quickly enough only to have it hit me in the well you can guess.  So I came up with a solution my boys are to open the doors when possible, they take turns. :) But I love when I see them jump up out of their chairs to race to the door to open it for a lady coming in or out.  Alhumdilulah (All praises and thanks to Allah/God) I am doing something right.  I love this.
Manners are important no matter your culture or your religious beliefs. I have worked really hard to instill manners in my children and to teach then to not do as others do but do the right thing even if that means you stand alone.  Kill them with kindness my sweet mother always said May Allah have mercy on her and accept her into Jennah (Hevan). I hope by reading this you can pick out where you can make changes in your own life as we all are imperfect.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

AsSalaamu Alykum

I am here trying to organize my house.  Muslims are suppose to be organized and productive.  Well to be honest I am not organized and I could be more productive.  So I have decided to tackle my organization so maybe I can be more productive. Being a Muslim/Muslima is not about being perfect but about changing and becoming better.  There are lots of organization tips online and I plan on  using some.  Homeschooling my kids makes it even more vital to be organized.  I have a schedule for them and a chore chart but they do not always stick to it.  I don't ask a lot of them I pretty much only have it as a reminder to pick up things they have forgotten and to help me out a little but I take on most tasks myself.  I do believe responsibility is important for children. Not only this they learn to take care of things. When I got married I knew a lot Alhumdilulah, All praises and thanks to God, about taking care of my home I cannot say that about most of the friends I grew up with.  I want them to have good morals and good skills. Insha Allah.  I will post some links I have found that may help you if you face the same problem or just want to try something new.

This site not only offers advice on organizing but many other helpful things.

I hope this helps you now I am off to organize.

Allah Hafiz

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

AsSalaamu Alykum

I hope this evening finds you in good spirits. The last few days I have been ill and now today I find my son will need surgery.  But I let nothing get me down, I hold my head up cause I know we are in the best of hands. I have done my job as a mother, now it is in Allah's hands. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Beautifying Your Hair
Ok I figured covering hair would be a first good safe subject to start with.
When washing your hair or brushing your hair do you have wads of hair that comes out? Well this is me but I never could find out why.  I knew stress contributed to this along with new growth. But also I skip breakfast at times. This is a big no no for your hair. A good healthy breakfast high in protein  help keeps your hair healthy. The amount of protein each person needs is different depending on weight, health, and activity level. There are also other factors like woman that are pregnant need a different amount of protein.  My suggestion is to talk with your doctor. 
I have started eating breakfast with my children which includes yogurt with a fruit.  Yogurt is usually high in protein but you need to check the label, cottage cheese is good as well.  Also, I found that trimming your hair on the full moon helps. I honestly don't know why, but my mother taught me this and it has worked in the past.  I have gotten to where I do not keep up with the trimming as I used to. Life tends to get busy. But I am noticing now that I wear my hair longer I need those trimmings.  This is just some information I have picked  up on the way and thought to share it. It may or may not work for you. One thing I forgot to mention I also use a natural henna, it softens my hair and seems to put the moisture back in it.  Warning though depending on your hair color you may end up with red or orange hair.  But it is all natural and really good for your hair and helps it keep from falling out as much.  I would test a piece underneath to see if you like it and this is a route you are willing to take.  Later I will give my secret to how I mix and apply the henna. But you can research online or email me.
As I said previously if you have info to share please do!
(Note: some religions are against trimming of the hair so please keep this in mind when you read. I always ask my husband if he minds, out of respect, cause he loves me and my hair and I love him.Alhumdilulah)

New to Blogging

I am new to blogging but it is something I have always wanted to try. So finally I got the nerve to try, I mean how bad can I mess this up :) he he. I created this page to share bits of information I have discovered over the years and share them with you. I want this page to be for woman to come together regardless of age, race or religion and to share ideas and suggestions. Hopefully some of the information I put on here will be helpful. Always feel free to comment. We learn from each other. Please bear with me as I make mistakes along the way I will try to keep from making any but if I do feel free to tell me so I can correct it. :) We may not always agree but I believe in respecting each other.

Page is under construction.  Please bare with me. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.