Friday, June 14, 2013

Schools OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy school is out. OK well it has been out for a week but I was recuperating and enjoying some down time with my children, Alhumdilulah. Homeschooling is really hard but so rewarding.  I home school two of my children. It is categorized as homeschooling but I do not consider it such for it is not your traditional homeschooling. My children have teachers and other students they interact with. I am just the helper, which don't get me wrong I play a huge roll in their education as well. Live Lessons and the curriculum are taught online. They do still have subject books and work books they have to do. So not everything is done online.  I feel like I am going back to school with them and homeschooling allows me to brush up on my education. This I was not expecting but a really good plus. Some things I remember and some, it is like I never heard it. 


Makes you wonder how much of this cramming they do is really beneficial.  Especially in a public school setting with so many distractions. Boys, girls, drama, drama and more drama. Then the sexual education they get that you don't want them too at the early ages.  Yes don't think for a moment this is not going on. What the kids talk about and know will leave your mouth hanging open and your heart stop beating for minutes. OK maybe seconds but it feels like for ever.  I question at how they get this information. I will leave this for another topic. So there is much for parents who home school. Don't get me wrong public school has its advantages and disadvantages just like homeschooling. Each family has to decide which is best for them and the children.  Homeschooling is not for everyone. Like I said it is hard. Keeping a balance with things like socialization is one of the main concerns.  When you home school it is very and I mean very important to keep your kids social. Get them in activities outside of school.  It is important for little minds to socialize and to interact with others their age. It is better they learn this at an early age then to have to learn later in life. There are lots of groups out there for them to get into and things for them to do.  Your options are limitless and if you are on a budget don't despair there is something for everyone just look around and always ask.  There are also private and homeschooling that does not require you to actually teach if you are reluctant like I am.  I help but I am not the main teacher.  The online school we use allows my children access to their teachers and friends they are able to email them as long as they are in the school directory.   This is really neat cause they get the home environment plus the interaction.  But again I stress they still need outside interaction.  Soooooo now that I have rambled on about that I just want to say I pray everyone has a safe happy summer. Ameen.  And don't forget to keep checking my blog.

Remember relax, have fun, and be SAFE.

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