AsSalaamu Alykum
I am always researching and seeking answers to my questions. And believe me I have lots of questions. Islam encourages us to educate and learn it is our duty as muslims. Today I was thinking on the ever controversial subject "Pork." Yes I said it. Americans consume much pork. If you are born Muslim then you have never tasted it or had a desire for it. It is looked at as haram and not good to eat. Some Christians feel the same while others do not. I am not hear to judge only share my knowledge. Each individual is entitled to their opinion. I as a Muslima choose not to eat pork for My Noble Quran tells me it is forbidden.
Ok if you are wondering where is this in the Noble Quran and the Holy Bible. Patience I am getting to this :) he he
Ok if you are wondering where is this in the Noble Quran and the Holy Bible. Patience I am getting to this :) he he
I have listed links below to show you were in the Bible and the Quran it talks about Pork. Please feel free to post any additional information that you may have on this subject for it is up to us to educate ourselves and each other. These sites talk clearly there are many sites out there on this subject but these are the ones that caught my eye.
Holy Bible
Noble Quran
I have also found that we as Christians and Muslims should educate but not bicker over such things. We each have our own path to choose and follow and we should educate then leave it to that individual, for it is they who have to answer to Allah in the end.
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