Saturday, June 1, 2013

A special thanks to Allah/God

I am writing this to thank Allah/God, The Most High, The Most Magnificent. For all the he has done for me. He deserves all of our praises and much more time then we give him.

When I was at my lowest and thought I could not go another hour, much less another day he gave me strength.
When I had doubts he showed me proof.
When I was hungry he gave me food.
When I was cold he provided me clothing.

All these things and more he did with out me asking and sometimes with out my thoughts of thanking him.

I have been well off with money and poor.
I have been judgemental and then later seen the error of my ways.

Then when I felt broken and I could take no more Allah showed me Islam.  Alhumdilulah. I lack the words to say all my thoughts. But as always Allah knows and sees all. I just wanted to dedicate a page to Allah, The Creator of all things, to show my appreciation and to hopefully remind others to do the same. He is always there for us even when we do not follow his advise and guidance. We seek his forgiveness and  he is there ready to forgive us if we are truly remorseful and don't continue the sin or mistake. That is unconditional love. And yet in our busy lives we do not praise him enough.

My days and life are not with out trials but now I know I am never alone and all I need to do is to seek his guidance and his help in all things. And to always praise and thank him for he deserves so much more.



We should thank Allah every day for creating us and giving us this most beautiful opportunity. Life and everything it consists of. ALHUMDILULAH.

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