Saturday, April 20, 2013

AsSalaamu Alykum

I am here trying to organize my house.  Muslims are suppose to be organized and productive.  Well to be honest I am not organized and I could be more productive.  So I have decided to tackle my organization so maybe I can be more productive. Being a Muslim/Muslima is not about being perfect but about changing and becoming better.  There are lots of organization tips online and I plan on  using some.  Homeschooling my kids makes it even more vital to be organized.  I have a schedule for them and a chore chart but they do not always stick to it.  I don't ask a lot of them I pretty much only have it as a reminder to pick up things they have forgotten and to help me out a little but I take on most tasks myself.  I do believe responsibility is important for children. Not only this they learn to take care of things. When I got married I knew a lot Alhumdilulah, All praises and thanks to God, about taking care of my home I cannot say that about most of the friends I grew up with.  I want them to have good morals and good skills. Insha Allah.  I will post some links I have found that may help you if you face the same problem or just want to try something new.

This site not only offers advice on organizing but many other helpful things.

I hope this helps you now I am off to organize.

Allah Hafiz

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