Friday, February 7, 2014

Working From Home and It's Benifits.

AsSalaamu Alykum wa Rahmatula wb

I pray this day find you well and good.

Covering this topic of making money from home has taken about a year to be comfortable with. I like to try something out first and understand it before trying to educate or help others. Working from home is so beneficial for me and I hope that it is benifial for you as well. This is not for everyone, but that does not mean you are lacking in anything. Everyone is different and has different abilities and different opinions of working form home.
First I will start by telling you a little of how I got to the point of considering this avenue. Working as a receptionist an hour drive time away from home and my kids. I liked the money but I caught myself stuck in an office with high heels (I was Christian then) and sitting most of the day twittling my thumbs between answering the phone, making copies, faxing documents, and typing up letters for my boss. I would stare out the window wishing I was outside and then my mind would drift to my kids stuck in that classroom where they are made to sit for long hours and be quiet with only some breaks.  Most kids do ok with school and turn out just fine. But then one day I got a call from my sons teacher. It was his teacher from the previous year. She had retrieved him from class because he had seemed off since the beginning of the year and had went to check on him to see how he was doing. She found him in his classroom under his desk silently crying. The teacher ignoring him. Now don't get me wrong he had a wonderful teacher but my son is diagnosed with ADHD. Which if you do not know what this, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. There are many symptoms with this and each child is different

There are many ways to work from home I will only cover some of what I have discovered if you know of any else let us know.
Personally I chose to do a farm and supply my fellow Muslims with true Halal meat. Not an easy task by any means but well someone has to do it. I love animals and love staying home with my children and educating them in an Islamic manner. The only schedule I work around at the moment is Allah's. I am not pinned down and can run my errands productively and not run around like a chicken with my head cut off.
Now if you like to spend money shopping needlessly this is not for you. Because running your own business takes time, money, patience and much more. You will have to buckle down a little here and there on the spending but doesn't Islam encourage us to do this anyway. To not spend needlessly, to conserve and use wisely. Yes it does. Yes I am one of those people who will use both sides of copy paper and scrap paper I make sure I use all of it before throwing it. Then I use it to light a fire outside for all of us to sit around and enjoy. I don't feel as stressed as before when I was working.

You can also do a blog like this one and make money off of it. Or if you decide this is not for you and want something more challenging apply with Google. You can also find odd jobs if you like to write. Just make sure you follow Islam in the things you write. This is only some of the few things I have found. You may not be a college graduate but you can do this and if you are a stay at home mom like me sometimes it is nice to bring in that extra money if all the financial responsibility is on your husband. For me I am doing it all on my own and making it just fine Alhumdilulah. Only by the grace of Allah.